RISK 2020

Sfera IT at RISK 2020: Kibernetska varnost ni samo tehnologija ali kako predstavimo kibernetsko varnost upravi

Presentation abstract: Država in EU podjetjem nalagata vse več zahtev v predpisih s področja informacijskih tehnologij, s katerimi zagotavljanje skladnosti povzroča naraščajoče stroške. Ko k temu prištejemo še stroške za zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti, se poslovodstvo kmalu sooči s problemom učinkovitosti vseh teh »nepotrebnih« vlaganj. Ali lahko zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti predstavlja sinergijo naporov in s tem […]

Sfera IT at RISK 2020: Kibernetska varnost ni samo tehnologija ali kako predstavimo kibernetsko varnost upravi Read More »

FireEye at RISK 2020: Are you able to validate you security stack?

REMOVE ASSUMPTIONS. PROVE SECURITY. Presentation abstract: Organizations spend massive amounts of time and money to protect themselves from cyber attacks. Security leaders know this pain: a lot of effort exhausted with little to no visibility into security effectiveness. With cyber programs becoming more complex and expensive to operate, CISOs and practitioners need hard evidence that

FireEye at RISK 2020: Are you able to validate you security stack? Read More »

Titus at RISK 2020: Machine Learning: Data Protection’s Next Frontier

Is machine learning the approach that you should take for your data protection strategy? Presentation abstract: Machine learning and artificial intelligence are terms that many IT security professionals are bombarded with when it comes to identifying and protecting their sensitive data. But not everyone understands the differences and what they can mean for their data.

Titus at RISK 2020: Machine Learning: Data Protection’s Next Frontier Read More »

ThreatQuotient at RISK 2020: Cyber Threat Intelligence – Top Gun Style

Presentation abstract: When Tom Cruise’s “Maverick” inverted his F-14 fighter jet and gave “the bird” to his Soviet opponent in the opening scene of 1986’s Top Gun, Cruise assured himself a lighthearted place in the history of the Cold War. What that scene also did, however, was provide one of cinematography’s great examples of a

ThreatQuotient at RISK 2020: Cyber Threat Intelligence – Top Gun Style Read More »

Micro Focus at RISK 2020: Know the Unknown by behavioral analytics – The SOC next generation

About the presenter: Cfir is a Security expert and solution architect at Micro Focus.He was CTO and security manager of Israel government MSSP part of the national CERT.Cfir has more than 12 years of security experience, covering all aspects.During the years, he has security operation consulted of wide range of companies in both the public

Micro Focus at RISK 2020: Know the Unknown by behavioral analytics – The SOC next generation Read More »


Presentation abstract: The big rush on building silos of security technologies has left significant gaps in defense architectures. Attackers are taking advantage of complexity, lack of automation and orchestration to drive successful targeted attacks. Security strategies, often event-driven and compliance focused, are not adaptable enough against unpredictable attacks.This talk will explore how the needs for


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