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Radware at RISK 2020: The Artificial Reality of Automated Threats

Efficiently mitigating cyber threats in the digital era Session abstract: In this session we’ll review the enterprise trends in the digital era, focusing on how digital experience drives IT investments and directly affects how consumers rate products and services. We’ll learn why it’s important to enable digital experience at the network, application and user level

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ADD at RISK 2020: Kaj pridobite z uporabo Netwrix rešitve?

About the presentation: Netwrix Auditor je rešitev, ki omogoča nadzor nad spremembami (Change Audit) v hibridnih IT okoljih naročnika. Rešitev omogoča obveščanje ob zaznanih potencialnih varnostnih incidentih, ki nakazujejo sume kršitve varnostne politike podjetij ter predstavljajo morebitno grožnjo.V predavanju bo predstavljena dodana vrednost Netwrix rešitve v praksi. Prikazani bodo praktični in preprosti primeri uporabe rešitve.

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INFOBLOX at RISK 2020: DNS in offensive techniques

Presentation abstract: Let’s examine the many ways criminals exploit the unique properties of DNS. Attend this session and discover:• The various MITRE ATT&CK tactics and how DNS is used in specific techniques• The technical mechanisms behind DNS based command and control (C&C) communications, DGAs and more• What’s new with DNS over HTTPS – is it

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S&T Slovenia at RISK 2020: Vaš sistem je kriptiran, kaj pa sedaj?

Učinkovit odziv po zaznanem varnostnem incidentu Seveda je pomembno, da incident pravočasno zaznate, po možnosti še preden se zgodi najhuje. A ko postanete tarča zlonamernega varnostnega incidenta je zagotovo najpomembneje, da veste katere so prave poteze za učinkovito reševanje vašega IT sistema. Udeležite se S&T predavanja in spoznajte kako se lahko najučinkoviteje odzovete na varnostni

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FireEye at RISK 2020: Emerging technologies for Espionage Tradecraft

This presentation will discuss the confluence of emerging technologies such as 5G, IOT, Quantum Computing and AI to demonstrate how adversaries could exploit them for espionage purposes. We will conclude by exploring how best we could mitigate the risk of these technologies. About the presenter: Kah-Kin Ho joined FireEye in April 2016 as Senior

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Orchestra Group at RISK 2020: “New attack-surface overview: The IoT and smart connected devices challenges around Enterprises’ airspace.”

An Enterprise-Grade Cybersecurity dome that fills the IoT cybersecurity-gap Presentation abstract: We are surrounded by billions of connected devices. The desire to have a modern, innovative work environment has brought these devices into organizations, and connected them to their networks.They are the weakest link in the cyber-security chain.This is where Harmony IoT comes in, providing

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