risk conference
What is RISKO
What is it then worth?
Despite the noble cause behind the RISKO, we cannot directly help with its value, hence it is our goal to convert RISKO into a real currency, money, Euros and donate those to organizations that try to make the world a better place, like Red Noses – international society of clown doctors that help to keep smile on the faces of ill children.

How can I help in the cause?
All we ask from you is to be active at the RISK event. For your actions, you will be rewarded by RISKOs. Then, when you use the RISKOs to get rewards for you, you will automatically be donating! It’s that simple!
HOW to earn RISKOs?
1. Join and actively follow the presentations – you will be rewarded for paying attention!
2. Visit the booths in the Expo area – each visit will get you rewarded!
3. Contact and engage in conversation with representatives at the booth, they hold the key to the biggest earnings!
HOW to spend RISKOs?
1. During both days of the event you will get a chance to spend earned RISKOs at the RISK shop, holding many nice rewards.
2. At the end of the second day of the event there is a traditional charity auction where you will get a chance to bid for really nice rewards. RISKOs gathered at the auction are then transformed into EUR and donated.
Anything more?
All we ask from you is to be active at the RISK event. For your actions, you will be rewarded by RISKOs. Then, when you use the RISKOs to get rewards for you, you will automatically be donating! It’s that simple!